• Building Self-Awareness Training

    Have you been doing Building Self-Awareness Training? For me it's an ongoing process. One in which I am continually looking for a way to change my thought process and get better at what I do.

    Do you ever find yourself talking yourself out of the things that you really want? Do you let negative self talk keep you from achieving the results that you want? Are you making excuses for yourself and others?

    These are some of the questions that I would ask myself when I was still looking for ways to change my own self-talk. And after years of researching, developing and implementing self-awareness training in my own life, I found it was something that worked.

    Think about it: we live in a world that tells us to be happier, more successful, smarter, and more successful. We hear the people around us bemoaning their own lives and comparing them to what they want. We read people's blogs and message boards. And we talk to other people about how to change our self-talk.

    What if you could change your self-talk without doing any of that? What if you just asked yourself the question, "What would I like to be better at?" Then follow that with the next question, "What can I bring to the table that would help me in this moment?"

    It's a little like working in your real life with someone else, only you are in charge. You have the power to change your self-talk so that you can be happier and in control of your own success. And that can help you attract what you want to attract.

    If you asked me what I wanted to be better at, I'd probably tell you that I'd like to be better at being effective in relationships. I'd also like to be more effective at teaching others about issues that they can use in their own lives. And I'd like to be a better listener and have more fun in my own life. I'd also like to be happier.

    Those are all good questions to ask yourself, but don't forget to ask yourself what you can offer that will help you be more effective in relationships. And why wouldn't you want to be happier? Having more fun in your life is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and your relationships.

    Now I could use some more Building Self-Awareness Training, but the main thing that I have learned is that there are ways to change your self-talk without doing any of that. And you will be surprised at how powerful that can be.

    Okay, so now it's time to get out the positive thinking charts and the affirmation candles and get into the realm of Self-Actualization. This is where your thoughts become self-realized and the solutions that you need to become your reality.

    As you start to do this, it's not just about finding solutions to your problems, but it's also about learning to look at yourself and your beliefs. Is your view of yourself as a good one?

    Can you see the problem that you are having with yourself? And are you motivated enough to begin to change?